No other local comedian has made you laugh longer and harder than Rap Reiplinger.
No other local comedian has made you weep warm tears of hysterical joy than Rap
Reiplinger. No other local comedian has created such sheer merriment in his depiction
of the ways of our Hawaii than Rap Reiplinger. Rap’s Hawaii was the very first Hawaii
program to receive an Emmy for the Outstanding Television Special of the Year awarded
by the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.
(You may click on any picture on this page to enlarge it.)
His brilliant observations have become
such an integral part of Hawaii that you cannot remember a time that you did not
demand “Pen, Russell, pen”; deem your favorite food “hamburger with cheese on top”;
Who hasn’t gurgled undying love for “Fate Yangi” or blissfully sighed “Not too sweet.
Not too rancid. But jusss right!” Timeless, delightful, hilarious. Available on DVD,
you can now watch your favorite skits to your Hawaiian Heart’s delight. Rap’s Hawaii
is a sure antidote to your living-on-the-mainland blues or perfect gifts to the far
flung Ohana.
Rap’s Hawaii DVD includes all your favorites:
starting with… Da Old Man
Mahalo Airlines
Eulogy (The Stuttering Preacher)
Fate Yanagi
Merdie Murdock Used Cars
Taste Test
Candidate Willie Maunawili
Comedy Robot
Japanese Roll Call
Room Service
Puka Shell Tour Guide
and all pau with the… Credits
Rap’s Hawaii DVD $19.99 including FREE shipping and handling
We are pleased to announce that Yes in Dede now accepts all major credit cards. Of course personal checks (we will ship after it clears) or
money orders (we ship immediately upon receipt) are still welcome.
Now, you may be wondering why Rap's Hawaii DVD is on this YesinDede site?
Rap Reiplinger was my brother. Fo' Real! YesinDede, we have much talent in our family to share . More on this subject later...perhaps in another page...there are your Made in Hawaii orders to create, so..."Got to go Now."